Maari Ma Deadly Blues Launch Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
The community is invited to the launch next Wednesday 22nd May of the Maari Ma Deadly Blues partnership which will include Rugby League legend and former NSW State of Origin player Nathan Blacklock, who is a Deadly Blues Ambassador, and Deadly Choices Ambassador, Ian Lacey.
Maari Ma Health Aboriginal Corporation Acting CEO, Justin Files, says Maari Ma is very pleased to be part of this partnership which builds on the partnership it’s established with Deadly Choices – an initiative the Queensland based Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH).
New South Wales Rugby League (NSWRL) announced its partnership with Deadly Choices last month which encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to receive regular medical check-ups and improve their health.
Mr Files said the launch in Broken Hill next Wednesday will be held at the back of Maari Ma’s Primary Health Care Service in Argent Street, Broken Hill, in the carpark.
“The morning will start at 10.30 and will include a Q and A with Nathan Blacklock and a photo opportunity with him.
“We’ll have a BBQ at 12 midday which everyone is invited to stay and enjoy.
“We are very excited to be part of this great event which is aimed at promoting healthy choices and lifestyles.
“Anyone who has an ATSI Health Check will be eligible for a Blues shirt. We’ll have the Mobile Clinic there with a GP conducting health checks and staff available to answer any questions.
“We encourage the community to come along and be part of this great event” Mr Files said.
18th May 2019
Available for interview
Justin Files
Ph: 08 8082 9888