Community Newsletters

In PDF format

Issue 78: June 2024

March newsletter is out!

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Issue 77: May 2024

March newsletter is out!

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Issue 76: April 2024

April newsletter is out!

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Issue 75: March 2024

March newsletter is out!

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Issue 72: February 2024

February newsletter is out!

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Issue 71: December 2023

December newsletter is out!

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Issue 69: October 2023

October newsletter is out!

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Issue 68: September 2023

September newsletter is out!

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Issue 68: August 2023

August newsletter is out!

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Issue 67: July 2023

July Newsletter!

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Issue 66: June 2023

World No Tobacco day and much more!

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Issue 65: May 2023

Healthy Start 10 year celebration and much more!

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Issue 64: April 2023

Playgroup Easter, International Womens day and much more!

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Issue 63: March 2023

Playgroup Returns for 2023, Historical moment for local football club and much more!

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Issue 62: Febuary 2023

New CEO, New Chair & much more!

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Issue 61: December - January 2022/2023

CEO message, HIPPY Graduation, Festive season recipes & much more!

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Issue 60: November 2022

Our November issue , NAIDOC Family fun day, Childrens Week and more!

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Issue 59: October 2022

Our October issue , Save Marrabinya, R U OK? Day and much more!

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Issue 58: September 2022

Our September issue , White Ribbon night, Deadly blues and much more!

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Issue 57: August 2022

Our August issue , NAIDOC Week and much more!

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Issue 55: July 2022

Our July issue , World no tobacco day and much more!

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Issue 55: June 2022

Our June issue , Our Mothersday prize winners and much more!

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Issue 93: May 2022

Our May issue , Celebrating Youth Week and much more!

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Issue 92 : April 2022

Our April issue , Playgroup expands, International Womens Day, NDIS and much more!

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Issue 91 : March 2022

Our March issue , Kids vaccinations underway, Playgroup returns! and much more!

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Issue 90 : February 2022

Our February issue , Muuku Pledge presentation, news from Balranald and more

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Issue 89 : December 2021

Our December issue , program updates and a Christmas message from our CEO Bob Davis

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Issue 88 : November 2021

Our October issue , Balranald announces winners of the Covid vaccination draw, Update from the Marrabinya team plus lots more!

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Issue 87 : October 2021

Our October issue features news about Pandemic Recognition: Australian Doctor, Helping Out Dareton, Face-to-Face Specialists, Balranald - Working Together for the Local Community, Broken Hill Vaccination Drive, Support Through the Rural Doctors Network, What an Adventure!, Maari Ma Welcomes, Regional Youth Taskforce, Better Baaka Program, Kiila Laana and more!

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Issue 86 : September 2021

For September we have all the latest on Balranald Vaccinations, Outback Letterbox Library, Donations Thank You, Allied Health - Thinking Outside the Square, Keeping Community Connected, Smoking and your Baby, Maari Ma Staff Welcome and more!

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Issue 85 : August 2021

The bumper edition of our community newsletter for August includes features on COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics, National Day of Recognition of Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners, 2020 Graduating Cohort, NDIS Social Futures, A Message from Maureen O’Donnell, HIPPY, Mother’s Group Recipes, Mother’s Group Photos, Balranald - Elder of the year award, Jeans for Genes Day, National Summer Art Scholarship 2022, The Drum, Maari Ma Staff, Muuku Program, Early Years - Family Activity, Needatutor, Fire Safety Message and more!

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Issue 84 : July 2021

Our July newsletter has the latest on the New Prize Announced for Deadly Blues Competition, Maari Ma QIC Accreditation, Kalypi Paaka Mirika, NAIDOC Day, NAIDOC poetry competition entry winners, Maari Ma Congratulations and Welcomes, Maari Ma Farewells, Muuku Smoke-Free Program, Dental Team - Keep Your Smile for Life, Dietitians’ healthy recipes - Grilled Mediterranean Chicken Kebabs, Early Years - Sharing Experiences Working with Children and more!

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Issue 83 : June 2021

Our newsletter for June includes news on Vaccinations, CLONTARF Academies in Broken Hill Competing for the Shield Deadly Blues, Playgroup Excursion to Silverton, Charlotte, Lisa and Veronika, Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence, Hippy Activity: Counting 1 to 10, Commit to Quit, Happy 80th Maureen, Farewells and Welcomes, Mums & Bubs, Fire Safety and more!

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Issue 82 : May 2021

Our May community newsletter has all the latest on Mother’s Day, including the Mother's Day Competition Winners, Youth Week, First Aid for Maari Ma Staff, Clontarf Healthy Eating Education Session, QIC Assessment, Shining a Light on Commitment and Courage, Love Bites, The Star Jump Challenge, Kiila Laana, Early Years - Rock Creatures, Early years - Copy Me Sticks, Maari Ma Farewell, Smoke Alarms and more!

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Issue 81 : April 2021

For April our community newsletter features Easter Fun at Maari Ma, COVID-19 Vaccinations, Kiila Laana, Dietitians, Sausage Rolls Recipe, and recipes for: Thai Chicken Curry, Easy Rice, Steel-cut Overnight Oats, and Fruit Smoothies! After School Program, Fire Safety Message and more!

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Issue 80 : March 2021

Our community newsletter for March features our 2021 Aboriginal Health Worker Trainees, International Women’s Day, Ngama’linya Yapa’na launch, Specialist Appointments, Fire + Rescue Update, Up and Running Balranald, Kiila Laana program update, Dental Team Welcomes Robyn Cattermole, Australian wide HIPPY program study, Early Years talks about excess sugars and fats, Maari Ma welcomes new staff to the team, Maari Ma Farewells and more!

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Issue 79 : February 2021

For February our community newsletter has the latest on Maari Ma & Warra Warra partnership, Ngama’linya yapa’na Logo Winner, Welcome New Staff, Kulpa pipinya (Book Talk), Dietitians, Recipe: Spinach and Bacon Quiche, Trying to keep things cool “outback”, Tertiary Access Payments, High Ground, 2021 Field Census Manager Position and more!

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Issue 78 : January 2021

Happy New Year from us all at Maari Ma Health! Our January newsletter has the latest on Starting School 2021, Disability Royal Commission, NSW Aboriginal Child and Family Awards 2020 Winner, Another Award Winner: Donna Jeffries!, Mums & Bubs, Design a Logo for Ngama’linya yapa’na, Indigenous Marathon Foundation, 2021 Playgroup, 2021 Maari Ma Indigenous Art Awards, Keep our mob COVID safe and more!

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Issue 77 : December 2020

From all of the Maari Ma organisation we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year! Our Christmas newsletter features our CEO, Bob Davis' Christmas message for the community, State of Origin Winners, Class of 2020 HIPPY Graduation, NAIDOC Week Celebrations, NAIDOC Week Balranald, NAIDOC Week Broken Hill High School, Murdi Paaka Services - Tenant Support and Education Programme, Maari Ma Staff Welcomes and Farewells, Kiila Laana - Warning to Tobacco Smokers, 2021 is your year to BLOW THE SMOKES AWAY, Dental Team, Kalypi Paaka Mirika, Maari Ma's annual staff meeting and a Merry Christmas from Maari Ma!

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Issue 76 : November 2020

For November we have all the latest about the naming of Balranald Health Service, Sleep Out Change Lives event, Maari Ma New Protection Screens, 2021 Scholarships from DCJ, Girls AACES Group, RU OK? - Starting the Conversation, Expanding Balranald’s Visibility, Congratulations Dr Stephen Gaggin, Maari Ma Staff - Farewells and Welcomes, The Yapara Program, Early Years, Allied Health Team and more!

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Issue 75 : October 2020

Our newsletter for October features articles on Women’s Health Week, Deadly Blues campaign launch, Aboriginal men’s referral crisis line, Warra Warra partnership, NSW regional transport NEWS, Staff News: Farewells and Welcomes, Kiila Laana, Kalypi Paaka Mirika, Dental Team, Early Years, No Tharlta on the bus lyrics, Mums and Bubs and more!

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Issue 74 : September 2020

For September we have all the latest on Maari Ma's Aboriginal Health Worker Trainees, Uncovering Local History, Balranald landscaping progress, Maari Ma Jingle Lyrics, Community News: Help Is Here national campaign, Maari Ma Farewells: Kaylene Kemp - Marsha Files - Callan Rogers, Hand Hygiene, Kiila Laana, Healthy Start, Dental Team and more!

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Issue 73 : August 2020

Our August newsletter has the latest on South Australia travel restrictions, Maari Ma Women’s Health Week (7th Sept - 11th Sept), Musicians Club Outback Rugby League Round One results, ATSI Health Clinic launch, Stress Down Day, Live Better announcement, New Vaccine for 2 year olds and under, Staff News, Maari Ma Farewells, Kiila Laana, Hand Hygiene, Early Years, Dental Team and more!

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Issue 72 : July 2020

For July our newsletter has all the latest on National Reconciliation, Flu Vaccination Clinic, Respiratory Clinic Data, the Maari Ma Jingle, Energy bill related information, Outback Rugby League, Legal Services, Staff News: Welcome to Maari Ma, Maari Ma Farewells, Dietitians News, Kiila Laana update, Washing hands guide, Dental team celebrate Dental Week and more.

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Issue 71 : June 2020

Our latest community newsletter features articles on Maari Ma's Services, Flu Vaccinations, Tips for staying healthy and strong during the coronavirus outbreak, Hand Hygiene, Staff News - Dietitians core principles of intuitive eating, Kiila Laana - World No Tobacco Day celebrations, Dental Team - Meet Dental Therapist Megan Hurst, Early Years - connecting through Facebook, Mums and Bubs - changes to antenatal and postnatal care and more.

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Issue 70 : May 2020

For May 2020 we have the latest news on the arrival of our 2020 Deadly Choices shirts, phone appointment details, the Important of Self-Care, Hand Hygiene, Mob Strong Debt Help Information, Staff News including a message from our dietitans, Kiila Laana, Dental Team, Early Years, Maari Ma Welcomes, Mums and Bubs, and more.

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Issue 69 : April 2020

This month's community newsletter has important information on how to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community, a Coronavirus Fact Sheet, Maari Ma Transport information, Hand Hygiene: a guide to cleaning hands, a Stop Do Not Enter Sign for your home, Phone Consultation Service, Flu Vaccine reminder for 2020, our dietitian's list of non-perishable nutritious foods, Kiila Laana update, Dental Clinic, Meet the Team!, Early Years, New Maari Ma Staff, Mums and Bubs and more.

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Issue 68 : March 2020

For the month of March we have all the latest stories on the Maari Ma Indigenous Art Awards, BDT stories of Kiila Laana Launch and Renee Bittoun, Maari Ma Host Students from University of Technology Sydney, Year 7 Combined Information Day, Community News, Patient Charter, What’s On, Staff News, Dietitians News, After School Cooking Group, Recipe: Thai Fish Cakes, Kiila Laana Launch, Staff Farewells and Welcomes, Mums and Bubs and more.

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Issue 67 : February 2020

Our first newsletter for 2020 includes the latest stories on Healthy Start Playgroup, 2020 Young Australian of the Year Award,The Medal Of The Order Of Australia Winners, HEYWIRE WINNER Jade Cicak, Aboriginal Legal Service Advice Days, Transport NSW update, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Allied Health for Speech and Occupational Therapy, Staff News, Dietitians Alina and Gina, Muesli Bar Recipe, Mums and Bubs, Dental Team and more.

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Issue 66 : December 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Maari Ma Health! We have a bumper edition of the Community Newsletter for December with a letter from our CEO, Bob Davis, and all the latest news on Clontarf Awards Night, Deadly Sistas, Children’s Week in the Park, White Ribbon Awareness Day, Helmet for a Fine, A SHOUT OUT to Tarnee and Shane, 2019 HIPPY Graduates, Maari Ma Staff News, Email Safety, NATSIHWA, Practice Manager Workshop, Advice from Our Dietitians, Christmas Recipes, What’s On, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Welcome to New Maari Ma Staff, Mums & Bubs and more.

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Issue 65 : November 2019

Our November Community Newsletter has the latest on NAIDOC DAY in the park, Winners of our colouring competition!, Community News, T.I.S. Hosting the Deadly Blues Ambassadors, Staff News, Kalypi Paaka Mirika Healing Program, What’s On: Community Notices, Get Deadly - Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Staff Welcomes, Colourful Fried Rice Recipe, Mums & Bubs, Our Kids Count - Registering your baby and more.

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Issue 64 : October 2019

For the month of October our Community Newsletter features the Kalypi Paaka Mirika Presentation, Deadly Blues - HIPPY & Early Years Family Fun!, Selection for 5 Local Lads, Passing of Vale Sue Selden, Marrabinya Conference, Kalypi Paaka Mirika Healing Program at Mutawintji, Oral Health Education Helping Kids for a Lifetime, Staff News, Stop it at the Start Campaign, Staff Welcomes & Farewells, October Events, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Mums & Bubs and more.

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Issue 63 : September 2019

Our latest newsletter features stories on Deadly Blues, Deadly Choices, Broken Hill CLONTARF Farewells Peter Ballard, Allied Health School Holiday Groups, White Ribbon Community BBQ, How is Your Oral Health Tracking?, Academic Achievements in the Community, Staff News, Community Notices, September Events, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Mums & Bubs and more.

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Issue 62 : May 2019

For May our community newsletter has the latest articles on Creating awareness of Autism, What’s On, NSW Youth Week, Easter Cooking, Active Kids, Healthy Lunch Box ideas, Staff News, Maari Ma’s Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Community Notices, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Significant Event Days in May and more.

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Issue 61 : April 2019

Our April 2019 community newsletter features all the latest news about the Deadly Choices Community Event, New Projects, Facilities, Promotions & Awards, After school programs, Bugldie & Menindee Cooking Groups, Early Years Program, Play Dough Recipe, Staff Farewells, Staff Welcomes, Maari Ma Indigenous Art Awards, Mums & Bubs, National Heart Week, April Health Awareness Days and more.

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Issue 60 : December 2018

Merry Christmas from us all at Maari Ma Health! Our December newsletter has all the latest on Essential Water's water restrictions, details of our closure over the holidays, Christmas Updates, Mums and Bubs, Surviving school holidays tips, YMCA Programs, Active Kids, Clontarf presentation NIght, After School Cooking Group, Menindee Cooking Group, Christmas Recipes, Staff Update, Specialists Visit, World COPD Day, Aboriginal Funeral Transport Program, Broken Hill City Council Active Transport Plan, White Ribbon News, Dietitians Outreach Trip, 10 Tips to stay cool when it’s hot and more!

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Issue 59 : November 2018

For November our newsletter features the Mental Health Concert, Mums & Bubs, Cervical Screening Information, Quit Story of the Month, HalloweENT Night, NAIDOC Day Throwback, Information on Boils, Staff Update, IPTAAS, Menindee Cooking Group, National Nutrition Week, After School Cooking Group, National Children’s Day, Community Events & Information, Women’s Survey, Webster Packs and more!

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Issue 58 : October 2018

This month's bumper edition of our Community Newsletter has all the latest on Women's Health Week, Mums & Bubs, Yarning Circle, Children’s Day, This month’s Quit Story, Staff Update, What’s the BUZZ?, Women’s Healing Program, Maari Ma goes RAINBOW, Show Pass Winners, After School Cooking, Active Kids, Menindee Cooking Group, Dietitian’s Visit, School NAIDOC Day, Clontarf Year 7 Visit, Christine Anu, Info for Youth, Managing Your Money, Ivanhoe BBQ, Community Events, Health Survey, IPTAAS, My Health Record and more!

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Issue 57 : September 2018

Our September Community Newsletter features this month's Quit Champion, Mums & Bubs, Women’s Health Week, Smoking and Breastfeeding, After School Cooking Group, The Buzz at Maari Ma, Staff Update, Active Kids, CSRP Camp, Community Events, Family History Month, September Events, Aboriginal Mental First Aid Course, My Health Record and more!

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Issue 56 : August 2018

For the month of August our Community Newsletter has all the latest on White Ribbon Night at the Silver City Cinema, Mums & Bubs, Smoking and Pregnancy, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Prescribing Drugs of Dependence, Active Kids, After School Cooking Group, Community Events, Legal Aid Civil Law Clinics, Dietitian’s Visit to Menindee, Daffodil Day, Staff Update, Family Recipe: Shepherd’s Pie, My Health Record and more!

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Issue 55 : July 2018

For July our Community Newsletter features NAIDOC Week: Because of her, we can!, HR Awards Finalist, NEW BUBS!, Important nutrients for pregnant women, July Events, Family Movie Night, NDIS, 2018 Legal Aid Civil Law Clinics, Why do I need an ATSI Health Check?, July Quit Story, Staff Update, Mobile Clinic, I Quit Because, Colouring-in competition winners, New waiting room chairs, Circle of Security Parenting Series, Basic Biscuits Recipe, My Health Record and more!

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Issue 54 : June 2018

Our June newsletter has all the latest on NAIDOC Week, World No Tobacco Day 2018, NEW BUBS!, What to eat when breastfeeding? Keeping Babies Safe, Caitlin’s Quit Story, Mobile Clinic, 2018 Legal Aid Civil Law Clinics, Have Your Say, Staff Updates, White Ribbon,Endocrinology Team Visit, Active Kids, After School Cooking Group, Why is Hand Washing So Important?, and more!

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Issue 53 : May 2018

After a short break the Maari Ma Health Community Newsletter is back with all the latest stories on Mother's Day 2018, our lucky Mother's Day Raffle Winners, NEW BUBS!, Breastfeeding: What Mums Can Do, Tackling Indigenous Smoking, Art Class, Cally’s Quit Story, Flu Vaccination 2018, Staff Updates, After School Cooking Group, Pop up Free Flu Vax Day, Youth Health Team, our New Casual Transport Officer, Mobile Clinic, Regional Office Relocation, the Coming Together Community Event and more!

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Issue 52 : February 2018

Our new newsletter for 2018 includes stories on What’s On in 2018, NEW BUBS!, Valentine’s Day, Playgroup Christmas Party, HIPPY Graduation, Playgroup & Playgroup Cooking Group, Tackling Indigenous Smoking: Art Classes, Yarning Group, Smoke Free Homes & Cars, Alinta’s Quit Story, School Terms & Contacts, Active Kids Rebate, Staff Update, Legal Aid Clinics, World Cancer Day and more!

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